These Valves conform to the Indian Standard Specifications IS:3224 (equivalent to BS:341, Part I) for Cylinder valves, in every respect.
All raw materials are fully tested for their chemical composition before being put to use. Simple construction & interchangeability of components make maintenance and repairs easy & fast. All valve bodies are of forged construction, duly heat treated stress relieved. The valve bodies have high strength, superior wear resistance and High impact values. We perform rigorous quality checks. Forged valve blanks are tested from every lot for actual physical values before machining. Each valve is tested at it’s full working pressure before despatch. All valves are soft to work because of good surface finish.
Name of Gas Carbon Dioxide
Test Pressure 155 kg/cm²
Working Pressure 105 kg/cm²
Outlet Thread External 21.8 mm x l.81 4pitch Whitworth Profile Outlet No.7 as per IS:3224:1979